Join us to learn what the Population-based HIV Impact Assessment (PHIA) surveys data are telling us about the evolving HIV epidemic. (Full details can be found here)
Featured satellite session speakers:
- Ambassador-at-Large Deborah Birx, U.S. global AIDS coordinator
- Shannon Hader, CDC director of the Division of Global HIV and TB
- Jessica Justman, ICAP technical director
- Peter Ghys, UNAIDS director of strategic information and evaluation
- Harriet Nuwagaba-Biribinwoha, Research director, ICAP in Swaziland
Additional PHIA activities at IAS 2017:
Monday, July 24
Oral abstracts
11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Late Breaker Oral Abstract Session (Blue Amphitheater)
- Substantial Progress in Confronting the HIV Epidemic in Swaziland: First Evidence of National Impact. R. Nkambule (# MOAX0204LB)
Tuesday, July 25
Oral abstracts
11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Hitting the First 90 Target: Lessons from Population-based Surveys –
Oral Abstract Session Track C, Prevention Science (Maillot Room)
- Findings from the 2016 Zambia Population-based HIV Impact Assessment (ZAMPHIA): HIV prevalence, incidence and progress towards the 90-90-90 goals. D.T. Barradas (# TUAC0301)
- Correlates of being outside the 90-90-90 cascade among adults ages 15-64 years in Zimbabwe. A. Hakim (# TUAC0302)
- 90-90-90 targets in HIV-positive women using results from MPHIA: a Malawi success story. N. Wadonda-Kabondo (# TUAC0303)
- Children living with HIV in Malawi: first survey-based measurement of national pediatric HIV prevalence and viral suppression. S. Jonnalagadda (# TUAC0304)
Poster Exhibition
12:30–14:30 p.m. (Level 3)
- Estimation of HIV incidence and the profile of incident cases in Zimbabwe Population Based Impact Assessment (ZIMPHIA) 2015- 2016 (# TUPEC0832)
- Evidence from the Zimbabwe population HIV impact assessment on 90-90-90: a national and provincial call to action for the first 90 (# TUPEC0743)
- Undiagnosed HIV is higher among urban residents, young adults and men: first findings from Malawi Population-based HIV Impact Assessment (MPHIA) (# TUPEC0841)
- Is MPHIA survey a validation method for HIV spectrum estimates in Malawi? (# TUPEC0741) Closing the 90-90-90 Gap: ZAMPHIA, 2016 (# TUPEC0875)
- Geographical distribution of HIV burden in Malawi: where is the gap in achieving the 3rd 90? (# TUPEC0877)
- Unmet 90-90-90 targets among adolescent girls and young women living with HIV in Malawi (# TUPEC0876)
The PHIA Project is led by ICAP at Columbia University in partnership with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Ministry of Health in each country. The project is funded through the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEFPAR).