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In the Media Zambia (ZAMPHIA)

May 3, 2020 | In the Media

The Economist: A report shows HIV in retreat in many African countries
The new data suggest that Africa is on the cusp of beating back HIV. But to do so it will have to redouble its efforts to educate, test and treat more people.

The Huffington Post: PEPFAR: Saving Lives And Changing The Course Of The AIDS Epidemic
We now have clear evidence from PEPFAR’s Population-based HIV Impact Assessments (PHIAs) that the epidemic is becoming controlled in older adults and babies in Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe

Science: AIDS epidemic nears control in three African countries
This World AIDS Day, surprisingly good news came out of southern Africa, the region in the world that has suffered the most from HIV. A random household survey done of some 80,000 people in Zambia found that more than 86% of the people on treatment had fully suppressed their virus.

Science: Southern Africa’s AIDS epidemic takes nosedive
The new data show that each of these three countries is approaching the UNAIDS 90-90-90 goal to control HIV/AIDS epidemics. UNAIDS modeling shows that epidemics will peter out if 90% of infected people know their HIV status, 90% of that group receive antiretrovirals, and 90% on treatment have undetectable viral levels.

UNAIDS: UNAIDS Welcomes Compelling Results of Progress in AIDS REsponse from Surveys Supported by the United States of America in Three Africa Countries
Upon the release of compelling new evidence of national AIDS programme successes in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe, UNAIDS congratulates the countries as well as the United States of America for its consistently outstanding support to the global AIDS response.

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