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Eswatini Final Report 2021

The Eswatini Population-based HIV Impact Assessment 2021 (SHIMS 3 2021) was conducted from May 2021 through November 2021 to measure the impact of the national HIV response. SHIMS 3 2021 offered HIV counseling and testing with return of results to participating adults aged 15 years and older and collected information about uptake of HIV care and treatment services.

Like SHIMS 1 in 2011 and SHIMS 2 in 2016-2017, SHIMS 3 2021 estimated national HIV incidence and the national and district-level prevalence of HIV among , and the prevalence of viral load suppression, defined as HIV RNA <1,000 copies per milliliter, among all adults living with HIV. The results of these surveys provide critical information about national and district-level progress toward control of the HIV epidemic.

The survey also collected information on selected behaviors associated with HIV acquisition and transmission, on common HIV comorbidities, and other health conditions.





