LePHIA 2020: Key Findings*
Annual HIV incidence among adults
HIV prevalence among adults
Viral load suppression among adults living with HIV*
LePHIA 2020: 95-95-95 among adults living with HIV
Adults living with HIV who knew their HIV status
Adults who were aware of their HIV status who were on ART
Adults who were on ART who had viral load suppression
*LePHIA 2016-2017 Summary Sheet and Final Report, as well as related reports and publications, can be found below.
Recent PHIA News
On World AIDS Day 2017, the PHIA Project at ICAP at Columbia University, conducted in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), announced the release of new data from five survey countries, including preliminary results from Lesotho and Tanzania.
With world leaders gathered in New York for the UN General Assembly, ICAP at Columbia University—in partnership with PEPFAR and CDC— announced new data on the state of HIV epidemics in Lesotho and Uganda.
Latest survey results show Lesotho’s significant success with HIV viral load suppression and stabilization of Uganda’s previously expanding epidemic.
The Population-based HIV Impact Assessment (PHIA) Project announced major findings from the Swaziland survey at the 9th IAS Conference on HIV Science (July 23-26).